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A dream for a century


I wrote two papers in June 2016. One paper showed that the big bang theory is wrong in various aspects, the other showed that the time difference between a satellite and ground cannot be the evidence of special relativity. I guessed the probability of these papers being adopted in the journals was about 10%. How can such papers be adopted so easily? I knew well what the world was like. The next..
I wrote two papers in June 2016. One paper showed that the big bang theory is wrong in various aspects, the other showed that the time difference between a satellite and ground cannot be the evidence of special relativity. I guessed the probability of these papers being adopted in the journals was about 10%. How can such papers be adopted so easily? I knew well what the world was like.

The next two papers were written in December 2016. One is about Michelson-Morley’s experiment that led to the principle of invariant light speed, the other is about time dilation and length contraction. These papers have already been written in 1980. They became easier and logically clearer than then. After writing these papers at that time, I felt that I should not do this research. I never looked again at relativity theory, and the idea was right.

In March 2017, I found that the space around mass doesn’t change in θ, ф directions in general relativity. Of course, in the real space this is a contradiction. In September of that year, I revealed that the precession of Mercury’s perihelion and light bending cannot be the evidences of general relativity.

These papers seemed enough, but there were more to do. In February 2019, I revealed that RT=To in the big bang theory and Lorentz transformation, the core of special relativity, are wrong. In March, I showed that the equation between mass and speed is impossible and mass cannot be energy. In April, I showed that the gravitational wave measurement results did not prove the gravitational wave. I added them to the previous papers. In July, I tied them up and submitted them to the journals under the title "Problems in relativity and big bang theories”.

In September 2019, I revealed that the principle of relativity was misapplied in Lorentz transformation and that the principle of invariant light speed cannot be induced from Michelson-Morley’s experiment. In addition, I revealed that the principle of equivalence was misapplied to light. So I have revealed that three principles underlying relativity theory are wrong or misapplied. In December, I revised the interpretation of Bradley and Michelson-Morley’s experiments and revealed that the velocity of light is added with the velocity of the source.

In January 2020, I suggested that redshifts of starlight did not occur on the way to the earth, but occurred near the stars.
Jinsuk Kim was born in 1958 and have a master’s degree in physics and a Ph.D. in electronics. He was an engineer and a professor.

I have proved that relativity and big bang theories are completely wrong. Now there is no evidence of relativity and big bang theories. No further experiment or research is required and we just need to determine whether my papers are logically correct or wrong.

My papers are easy, simple and obvious. College students in science and engineering can fully understand them. In any field, anyone can judge right or wrong by simplifying an issue and having the basic knowledge necessary for it. My papers are so easy that rather they may be doubtful, but if they are not easy, they are not the answers.

There are about 30 independent arguments on 15 subjects in my papers, no one has found a fault in them for the last 4 years.
Even middle school students can understand that Lorentz transformation is wrong. The arguments about mass=energy, the principle of invariant light speed, and RT=To in big bang are also simple and obvious. If we can’t judge them, what can we judge? Should we not be able to judge the right or wrong of these simplified problems? If we ignore them, how can we judge the complex problems of our society?

I did my job by writing papers and submitting them to the journals. Even after I die, I hope that some people who are just, passionate, and intelligent will reveal the right or wrong of big bang and relativity theories, and I express my deep gratitude and respect to them in advance.

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